It’s the one thing we hear all the time. “You won’t believe it but the last Tradie I had out did x, y, z.” Whilst some may have over the top expectations. There are some basic and common sense things you should always expect from your Tradie: 1. A confirmation call or text the […]
Hi Everyone! You may have seen a review that was posted on our MyTradie Facebook page a couple of weeks ago. It was an amazing review too! The customer had said that they were going to leave us a review but we had no idea that she was going to leave us such an amazing […]
Alright everyone, let’s get down to some nitty gritty here. We’re in the midst of a pandemic, although Australia seems to have the outbreak pretty well under control and social distancing restrictions are stating to be relaxed… what does this mean for us and specifically the trades industry? Times are definitely something that have never […]
We’ve all heard about them on the Radio and the News. But, Can you spot a rip-off Tradie? Over the past few weeks we’ve been telling you all about the MyTradie’s story and where it originated. We’ve regularly talked about the unsavoury companies out there praying on unsuspecting victims, causing the extreme distrust in the […]